Emily Honey. Image: Ross Swanborough, The West Australian.

The Ian Potter Cultural Trust 9 May 2024

Emily Honey

With the support of an Emerging Artist Grant, screenwriter and director Emily Honey interned at Roserock Films, a Warner Brothers in-house production studio in Burbank, California, with celebrated producers Hunt Lowry and Patty Reed.

Emily Honey is a self-taught screenwriter and director whose creative writing practice began while studying at the University of Oxford, writing sketches and touring with the Oxford Revue.

After completing her studies, Emily dove into screenwriting, interning at Warner Brothers and directing her no-budget first short film, Organ Donor. Her work has been shortlisted for the Sundance Screenwriting Lab five times, and her most recent feature film script, Suki, was a 2022 finalist in the prestigious Academy Nicholl screenwriting competition.

Emily was awarded a grant to undertake an internship at Roserock Films, a Warner Brothers in-house production studio in Burbank, California, with celebrated producers Hunt Lowry and Patty Reed.

The internship provided Emily with firsthand experience in script and project development and a deeper understanding of Hollywood industry standards and the broader film and television industry in the United States of America. This experience is crucial to Emily's plans to pitch her latest works. However, it coincided with the ongoing Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike over a labour dispute with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. As an associate member of the Australian Writers Guild, which stands in solidarity with the WGA, Emily was mindful of not ‘crossing the picket line’ while the strike is ongoing.

 “It has impacted a series of pitch meetings I had set up, but not my engagement with Warner Brothers, as I will not be writing for or pitching to them. I'm very cognisant of not breaking strike rules as I don't want to undermine what the WGA is trying to achieve.”