Stephanie Fynn is a Sydney-based artist and designer whose practice involves developing interactive projection artworks for people with disabilities.

Using novel technologies, immersive interactive projections can be controlled by small gestures, such as eye movements, or by the person’s whole body to ensure that people with all levels of mobility can engage with and create projection artworks. Through her practice, she aspires to empower the user to develop fine and gross motor skills; to make art creation accessible; and to promote socialising.

One of Stephanie’s current projects is an Interactive Projection System, which she has installed at the Disability Trust Sensory Room in Miranda, Sydney. Stephanie has also started running interactive projection workshops at disability recreational day programs and at a local special school. She was recently awarded a commission to create interactive projections at the Early Start Discovery Space, Wollongong.

With the support of the Cultural Trust, Stephanie will complete a series of workshops focused on inclusive design, life-centred innovation and novel technologies at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, Denmark. She also plans to meet with the creators of sensory room technology in England and Berlin, while experiencing their sensory room products with the view of possibly applying their sensory techniques to her work. She will also take up the opportunity to attend the Berlin Biennale, the DMY International Design Festival and the Science Museum in London for creative inspiration.

This professional development experience will enable Stephanie to conduct vital research into various technologies that can be adapted for her practice, and allow her to create new, interactive elements for more immersive interactive projection artworks. This research will moreover provide Stephanie with a thorough understanding of inclusive design, which is key to developing technologies that have an important role to play in building independence, turning challenges into opportunities and increasing the quality of life for people with disabilities.